Sherry’s Run Puts A Smile On Our Face
LEBANON, TENN. -July 14, 2014 – Don Cousineau and his wife, Cathy, live a simple life and have always been able to make ends meet. Don says, “We’ve always believed Jesus Christ would help us through.”
In 2008, Don was diagnosed with CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia), a disease that attacks the bone marrow. For the first several years he was in the “watch and wait” stage. By 2013, the cancer had progressed and was beginning to cause problems. Three weeks after completing major surgery, Don had to begin chemotherapy treatments. After chemotherapy, he went on to have several more major surgeries due to the effect of the cancer on his bones. He had insurance, but his portion of the bills was still devastating.
For the first time, Don and Cathy found themselves in a hole they simply couldn’t climb out of on their own. Don remembered seeing information about Sherry’s Run in the newspaper and on billboards back when he was first diagnosed, but had hoped they would never need it. Now, he was sure that they did, so he contacted Tonyia Watson, Director of Patient Assistance for Sherry’s Run.
“I had just hoped for a tank of gas or some groceries,” said Don, “but, Sherry’s Run went way beyond anything we expected.” While Sherry’s Run was able to provide gas, groceries and utility bills for Don and Cathy, they were incredibly thankful for the emotional support they had found. “It was absolutely amazing to talk with Tonyia,” said Cathy. “It was real communication and you could tell she really cared about us.”
The surgeries, chemotherapy and financial burdens had begun to take their toll on Cathy emotionally, but Don said each time they received a call from Sherry’s Run it put a smile back on both of their faces. “You can deal with health issues if everything else is not on top of you,” says Don. “That’s what Sherry’s Run did for us.”
“Sherry’s Run is here to provide support and understanding when they need it most. Each time I was able to speak with Don and Cathy, it was encouraging to hear the hope in their voices,” says Tonyia.
“Sherry’s Run is the greatest blessing we have received since Don was diagnosed. I don’t know how we would have made it without them. I encourage everyone to get involved somehow, even if it is only to give $1,” said Cathy. “We believe that prayer changes things and Sherry’s Run was an answer to our prayers.” Don is not cancer free, but has had six months of positive check ups. He and Cathy feel positive about their plans for the future, which includes giving back to Sherry’s Run.
Do you know someone like Don and Cathy? Please help Sherry’s Run put a smile back on their face by sharing the information below.
Come join us as we make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer right here in our community. The eleventh annual Sherry’s Run is scheduled for Saturday, September 13, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. at 623 West Main Street in Lebanon. Mark your calendar and make a commitment to join us. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Log on to www.sherrysrun.org to sign up.
Your support allows us to assist cancer patients 52 weeks a year with gas, groceries, utility bills, housing payments, prescription assistance, health insurance premiums, medical bills, and colonoscopy assistance.
To learn more about Sherry’s Run, please call 615-925-2592. To refer someone who might qualify for assistance, please call 615-925-9932 or visit www.sherrysrun.org.