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Local Author Gives Back


Commitment…Honor…Purpose: This is the tag line for Alphonso Ashworth’s latest book entitled, “No Snow Days.” It is also the mantra that drives his life and motivates him to give back to Sherry’s Run.



As a recent patient of Sherry’s Run, Alphonso knows firsthand the burden that is lifted by this ministry (read Al’s story here). For that reason, he has dedicated the proceeds from the first publishing of “No Snow Days” to benefit Sherry’s Run and her patients. “I really believe this book will be special to so many in the Lebanon community because it is set at Castle Heights Military Academy,” says Ashworth. 

For this reason, Ashworth will be hosting a book signing in the old library of Castle Heights Military Academy on Saturday, April 14 from 1 – 4 p.m.  You can also pre-order the book by filling out this form and mailing it to us at P.O. Box 8, Lebanon, TN 37087 along with your payment.  

Remember, all proceeds will help us continue to serve your neighbors who are battling cancer!


Corrie Cluck

Faith, courage, optimism and a desire to help others were qualities that defined Sharon “Sherry” Patterson Whitaker. Both before and after the energetic wife and mother was diagnosed with colon cancer, the impression she made on her family, friends and community was undeniable. While her battle in the flesh was lost in 2004, the spirit she had shown throughout life continues to touch more lives every day. Because of Sherry’s Run, a 5K run/walk benefit organized in Sherry’s memory, area cancer victims and their families can make strides toward becoming cancer survivors, and researchers are a small step closer to stopping the disease for good.