Keep Calm And Save A Life…Or Two
Did you know that colon cancer is the second deadliest cancer? The good news is, it also one of the most preventable! For this reason, every year a local non-profit gives Wilson County and the surrounding communities an opportunity to save their own lives.
Sherry’s Run distributes colon cancer test kits for FREE to anyone who requests one.
This year, the folks at Sherry’s Run teamed up with one of their sponsors, Discover Realty and Auction, to encourage their neighbors to get tested and save a life. March is colon cancer awareness month, so anyone who requested and returned their test kit in the months of March or April were entered in a drawing to win a FREE iPad.
Keith Swift of Lebanon, Tennessee was the lucky winner of the drawing! But Keith is not just lucky because he won an iPad. His wife actually made the request for two test kits, so he is lucky to have a wife who loves him enough to help him take care of himself. The greatest prize for this sweet couple is the peace of mind in knowing they are healthy,” says Tonyia Watson, Director of Patient Assistance for Sherry’s Run.
As a result of the promotion, 75% of the requested test kits were returned for testing! “This was the highest return rate we have ever experienced with this promotion,” says Watson. “It is so encouraging for us to know that more people are choosing to take steps towards preventing cancer!”
Sherry’s Run is already making plans to offer a similar promotion next year. “It is our dream that everyone in Wilson County and the surrounding communities be screened every year,” says Watson. “Imagine the lives that could be saved!”
If you don’t want to miss out on future promotions, be sure to like Sherry’s Run on Facebook and/or follow Sherry’s Run on Twitter.
Who do you love enough to save their life? Test kits are available year round for request. Just call or text your name and address to 615-925-2592 and we will mail it out to you. Why not request an extra for someone you love?
The twelfth annual Sherry’s Run is scheduled for Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 8:00 a.m. at 623 West Main Street, Lebanon, TN. Mark your calendar and make a commitment to join us.
Your support allows us to assist cancer patients 52 weeks a year with gas, groceries, utility bills, housing payments, prescription assistance, health insurance premiums, medical bills, and colonoscopy assistance.
To learn more about Sherry’s Run, please call 615-925-2592. To refer someone who might qualify for assistance, please call 615-925-9932 or visit www.sherrysrun.org.